
homing pigeon

training homing pigeons Nine,86 NxcoL, Homing Ability of Carrier Pigeon [April rAuk Las Vigas, 7,900 ft., July 30-31, 1942; 2 c•, 1 nine, Cofre de Perore, 10,500 ft., July 30- August four, 1942 [males averaged 46.3 grams (40.0 to 53.7); two adult females, 38.3 and 39.8 grams]. This sparrow is feature of the coniferous belt of vital M•xico. It oeeurred on all of the high mountains visited with the aid of us (Cofre de Perore, Orizaba, Popoeatepetl, Iztaeeihuatl, Tres Cumbres, and so forth.) at elevations ranging from 7,900 feet at Las Vigas to nearly 14,000 feet on Mount Popoeatapetl. It preferred open meadows and become one of the not unusual timberline sparrows. One of the women from Las Vigas is a almost full-grown yotmg of the .Yr. The person female had a well-evolved brood patch and the testes of the two adult males had been significantly enlarged. *Jimophila rufescens rufescens (Swaiuson), Rvs•¾ S•'.IRROW.--I nine, Jalapa, four,500 toes., July 2, 1941. Widely disp...